June 18 –Herbert to Regina

Bike log: 200.3km, 592m of vertical, average speed 36.8km/h
Another great day with some good milage due to a tailwind! That’s the first time I’ve cracked the 200km mark, and it felt great! I woke up prepared to slog through another headwind, and maybe make it to a small town on the west side of Moose Jaw, but when the wind started to pick up it was from the west. So we figured we’d make it to Moose Jaw and spend the day there – still a decent distance at around 135km for the day. But, we got there around 2PM, and I still had plenty of energy, so I snarfed down a Mr. Sub and we went for Regina – another 65km. It was not a problem at all, just the arms and back getting a little sore again from dodging the potholes and riding over bumpy pavement.

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