June 16- Maple Creek to Gull Lake

Bike log: 81 km, 361m of vertical, average speed 22.6 km/h
Not many miles covered today due to a really strong headwind! We are also dealing with the sparse towns through Saskatchewan. If it came down to it, we could stay just about anywhere since the van is pretty self contained, but we are trying to stay in campgrounds that have a shower since at the end of a long ride it is really nice to have a hot shower. Today, the next town along that had camping facilities was about 56 km down the road, a long way at the snail's pace of 22 km/h that I was grinding today! It is too bad because I did not really want to stop here, but pushing through to the next town would have made tomorrow difficult.
Although this is not a photo of the town, it is symbolic of it. There is not too much here, and what is here seems to be past its prime. The campground is well kept up though - it is maintained by volunteers from the museum.

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