Friendly campground food inspector

There was a dog on patrol in the campsite. He quickly became our friend, it was a slow day. He looked pretty interested in the food we were cooking which is very unusual behaviour for a dog. I’m pretty sure he did not know we are vegetarians. He politely ate the carrots that I gave him.
I passed another smoking cross-Canada biker today – hard to believe! I also saw what looked like a turkey vulture from less than 10 feet away. Weird looking – it looked like an eagle but it had a small red head that appeared to be bald. I surprised it as I biked past, and it flew up from the side of the road. Very big up close.
The shoulder on the road has deteriorated to what I would consider adequate. Still decent pavement (in most places) but it is down to fairly narrow in some places. Still better than a lot of the shoulder in Manitoba!
There were a couple of campgrounds not far past Ignace that we passed today. They did not look too bad. We had not found mention of them in any of the 4 camp/guide books that we have. On this trip we have frequently thought how great it would be to have a completely comprehensive list of campgrounds! I would gladly have traded a few km’s today for km’s yesterday, so we would have pushed on a bit if we had we known. I guess bike camping is not too common of an activity – and if you are in a car it is not so crucial to know that the next campground is exactly XXX km along.
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