June 29 – Ignace to Savanne (just past Upsala)

I take back what I said about taking it easy for the next few days! Today was hard work. Lots of headwind for the whole day, and getting stronger throughout. It was pretty flat so there was not much of anything to help break the wind. Almost like being back on the prairies, but there was a thin line of trees alongside the road to help a little bit, and a few more curves to break things up. I noticed that the practice of keeping a 20m wide swath of trees alongside the highway in order to mask a giant clearcut is not something that is restricted to BC.
It was a bit chilly today – I was in long sleeves and wore a windbreaker at times – but at least the rain held off until the ride was over. It is coming down fairly heavily now – it’s nice to be warm and dry inside the van!
We are camping at a fishing resort. There are cabins to rent, along with these campsites. Each campsite has its own dock. Looks pretty inviting, even though I don’t fish! Not very busy tonight, but I bet with the long weekend coming up, and being so close to Thunder Bay, it will be filling up soon.
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