June 23 – Souris to Stephenfield Provincial Park

Bike log: 169.6km, 396m of vertical, avg. speed 29.8 km/h
A long day, hard work for quite a bit of it too! But it felt good to get some good miles in once again. It was extremely flat for most of the day, but towards the end, as we approached the park, we got into a few small rolling hills. Nothing major, but it was kind of nice to have a reason to get up out of the seat and work some different muscles for a change.
The wind could not decide what to do today. Started as a headwind, then a crosswind, then a tailwind, back to a headwind, and ended up with a tailwind! Overall I think it was at my back more often than not, but shifting gears (literally as well as mentally) to deal with the difference is a challenge. Just when you think you are making really good time, you get slammed with a headwind and your speed gets chopped by 30%! It was also raining on and off through the day. However, it was far too hot to bother with rain gear. The rain was a welcome relief.

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