August 10 – Ferry ride / Drive to Halifax

Again, not too long a distance, but it sure felt long! We arrived in North Sydney around 5AM. After a short drive to find something to eat in town, we hit the road, taking the “other route” across Cape Breton (Highway 4). It made me glad we took the north side, the Trans-Canada, on the way there. Highway 4 was narrow with no shoulder, and the pavement was in bad shape.
The ride over was not bad – not rough at all. The sleeping berths were fine, though not as nice as a cabin! Around 10 we pulled off in a rest spot and popped up the top of the van for a rest – it was great! Probably we’ll be doing more of that.
We are both looking forward to getting some good miles behind us. After so long on the road, it will be nice to be heading west. It is still very enjoyable to be traveling, but just getting closer to home is good.
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