August 2 – Charlottetown to Lower Barney’s River (Nova Scotia)

Bike log: 106.0km, 801m of vertical, avg. speed 28.4 km/h
Made it to Nova Scotia - they sure do have some great town names around here! Very charming to read them off the map.
Today we travelled about 52km to the ferry at Woods Island (PEI) and then took the ferry (our 5th of 6) to Nova Scotia. On the PEI side, we took a shortcut (highway 23) indicated on the map which turned out to be really hilly! Probably saved a bit of time anyway, especially since the trees gave some shelter from the headwind. There was almost no traffic on the road as well.
The hills were a good wakeup for me. I did not seem to have my normal post rest day lag before getting going. I still don’t know what causes that, but maybe a steep hill is all that’s really needed to jumpstart things!
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