My new hobby is eating

As we are settling in to more of a routine, Cheryl is making longer drives before stopping. They average about 30km now, but could be as high as 45. While she is waiting, she usually goes for walks through meadows or forests or the town. We each have a Garmin GPS device with a built in walkie talkie. These have worked out really well, even better than I hoped. When we leave a spot, we pick a town, park, or approximate location (like a summit), and say we will meet there. When I get close, I can beep Cheryl, and my Garmin will send my current GPS coordinate to her. She buzzes me back, and I get her coordinates back. There is a small LCD display, and she shows up as a little icon on my map! Very convenient. The detail in the unit is really high - supposedly every street in Canada is here (although I have to download them from my computer, since the unit can only store about 1 province worth at a time). It also shows points of interest, parks, restaurants and shopping (in major centres only). They can communicate from 3 -5km, normal walkie talkie range, which is perfect for what we are doing. It is great because it means Cheryl is not stuck waiting at the van for me. If I arrive & she is out for a stroll, I have a key to the van and can get in and start eating!

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